February  Meeting


The February meeting for Post 681 is scheduled for Monday February 17 at 7:00 pm. The location is Huff Realty - 6192 Muhlhauser Dr in West Chester. Food and drinks will be made available after the meeting and we will have the monthly split the pot drawing as well. Hope to see everybody there!

Color Guard/Honor Guard available for public events

The Legion Post 681 Color and Honor Guard as well as the combined Legion Post 681\VFW Post 7696 Color and Honor Guard are available for public events and veterans funerals. Email legionpost681@gmail.com if interested

Join The American Legion Today


If you have served federal active duty in the United States Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and have been honorably discharged or are still serving - you are eligible for membership in The American Legion!

*Because eligibility dates remain open, all active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible to join The American Legion at this time, until the date of the end of hostilities as determined by the government of the United States.

**U.S. Merchant Marine eligible only from December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946 (WWII).


Contact the following to join:


Jack Birdsong, First Vice Commander




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